We help individuals, teams and organisations consciously choose and execute change towards their desired outcomes.

Whether it is through describing and communicating options, through designing and managing transformation programmes, or through coaching individuals and teams towards their goal, we bring challenge, momentum and feedback to the desire for and process of change.

Bringing our broad experience and drawing on a range of approaches and tools to change, we can support you in choosing change which is appropriate to your situation and context.

In our experience, clients often need support to scale, take necessary steps and sustain them in successfully moving towards and through change. We are able to bring discipline and a development focus to this process of intentional change and establishing the new ‘business as usual’.

Examples of supporting clients with change include:

  • Shaping and delivering an effective communications plan for organisational restructuring
  • Delivering open sessions with senior staff around new promotions procedures
  • Providing 360-degree feedback using a range of diagnostic instruments
  • Establishing an action learning approach to peer learning across senior staff in education
  • Supporting negotiations with Unions during major reward redesign
  • Coaching clients through a range of personal, team and organisational change challenges

 “People don’t resist change. They resist being changed” Peter Senge

“Change your thoughts and you change your world” Norman Vincent Peale

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking” Albert Einstein

  • As an experienced head teacher I found the coaching sessions delivered by Lesley to be 'time well spent' as they resulted in high quality personal and professional development.  Lesley had the coaching experience to rapidly develop a strong connection with me based on confidentiality, trust and mutual respect. Through well-structured dialogue these coaching sessions facilitated self-reflection and generation of new insights. In addition they were productive with clear outcomes action points and time scales. Lesley was supportive and empathetic but also offered open and honest challenge.

    SCEL Fellow
  • “Lesley has proved to be a valuable source of independent advice and expertise across the whole range of issues associated with job sizing and organisational structure. Her rapid appreciation of the emerging roles and their place in our structure is impressive and I have appreciated the level of support and challenge she is able to provide me with in this crucial area. My managers have indicated that in their dealing with her, Lesley is well informed, experienced and able to offer her expertise in a confident and helpful manner”.  

    Elaine Tait Chief Executive, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
  • Lesley's coaching sessions increased my ability to perform and made me a more effective as a leader; in my school, across the authority and in the wider context of educational leadership.

    SCEL Fellow
  • The impact of your involvement has been evidenced by a refreshed take on my professional role and a re-vitalisation of purpose and aim in my perceived role as a professional educator. My horizons have been broadened by an increased awareness of the strategic importance of the headteacher role and the opportunity it presents to 'make a difference' to so many people's lives.

    Jim McCrory Headteacher at St Anthony's Primary School Armadale and Fellow of the Scottish College for Educational Leadership
  • I wanted to thank you sincerely for the sessions, I got far more out of it than I expected, you've given me much food for thought, some great ideas and brilliant tips for keeping myself strong through this transition.

    Career Transition Senior Manager from Public Sector after Career Transition Coaching
  • “Feedback from our participants about their experience of being coached and engaging with Lesley has been consistently positive. She brings a wealth of experience as well as a flexible approach to coaching (offering challenge and support) that allows her to effectively work across the differing needs and contexts of our participants.”

    Lesley Whelan Depute CEO and Director of Programmes at SCEL