The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (RCPE), like most organisations, has to review the organisation structure and shape/size of roles on a regular basis to ensure that the organisation can deliver what it needs to most effectively meet the needs of members and the complex stakeholders with whom it engages.
How we worked together
Lesley has worked with RCPE for a number of years on areas of organisation structure and clarifying responsibilities and accountabilities of roles. Lesley also provides expert advice on job size and shape, engaging directly with line managers as required to ensure that there is shared clarity about the requirements of any role/team/structure. This has resulted in Lesley being involved in providing advice to design elements of restructures, and acting as a much valued ‘sounding board’
Lesley has successfully provided support and advice to RCPE covering a range of aspects of job sizing, role responsibilities and accountabilities, and challenge to test thinking around responsibilities and accountabilities.

“Lesley has proved to be a valuable source of independent advice and expertise across the whole range of issues associated with job sizing and organisational structure. Her rapid appreciation of the emerging roles and their place in our structure is impressive and I have appreciated the level of support and challenge she is able to provide me with in this crucial area. My managers have indicated that in their dealing with her, Lesley is well informed, experienced and able to offer her expertise in a confident and helpful manner”.